Claudia Gray Live Chat!

* Welcome AshleyAustin, now talking.
<AshleyAustin> Hey Jordan! :D
* ClaudiaGray ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> Hi Claudia! :D
<ClaudiaGray> So, this time, I thought I'd show up early.
<ClaudiaGray> FOR A CHANGE.
<Jordan> Hi! :D
<AshleyAustin> Sounds great to me! Thanks for doing this
<ClaudiaGray> Hiya!  Thanks for having me again.
<AshleyAustin> You're welcome! :D
<ClaudiaGray> I'm going to fix myself some tea while we wait, if that works for you guys.
<AshleyAustin> I hope that lyndsey can make it! that works for me!
<ClaudiaGray> brb
<Jordan> It works for me too  ! :)
<AshleyAustin> It's cool that you're hear Jordan! Thanks for making it!
<Jordan> I tried! :) I had to make a deal with my brother, though :) I'll have double chores for the week!
<AshleyAustin> OMG!
<AshleyAustin> that's crazy!
<AshleyAustin> I hope it's worth it for you
* Elmehdi ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<Jordan> It is!  Haha.
<Jordan> Welcome!!!!!!!
<AshleyAustin> Hi Elmehdi! Welcome!!
<Jordan> Oh, Ashley, I would like to say, since writing those poems. I've got a new passion. :)
<AshleyAustin> You do?! that's great! I'm glad my contest inspired a new passion in you!
* ShaunnaTaylor ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> Hey Shaunna!
<ShaunnaTaylor> Hello!
<Jordan> Hi Shaunna! And yes, I was up all night writing them!
<AshleyAustin> For those of you just coming in, Claudia is just stepping away to get tea
<AshleyAustin> Jordan, all night?! Yikes! Make sure you get some sleep too
<AshleyAustin> lol
<Jordan> Haha :) I did. I have this sleeping problem. Like, seriously! I can never get to sleep. I normally get to bed around 4 in the morning. It's an issue!
<AshleyAustin> Jordan-It sounds it! LOL. I didn't sleep very well last night and I was like.."Seriously?" lol
<Jordan> That is when books, and a notebook come in handy. :)
<AshleyAustin> True!
<AshleyAustin> lol
<AshleyAustin> wish I had one
<ClaudiaGray> I'm back when you guys are ready!
<ClaudiaGray> I'm back when you guys are ready!
<Jordan> Dude, I was born ready!
<ShaunnaTaylor> I'm ready too !
<AshleyAustin> I think we are ready! More people will show up as we go
<AshleyAustin> :D
<ClaudiaGray> I'm sorry if I just double-sent --
<AshleyAustin> It's okay Claudia! :D
* ClaudiaGray ( Quit
* ClaudiaGray ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> So we're ready?
<ClaudiaGray> I'm ready if you are.
<AshleyAustin> Elmehdi?
<AshleyAustin> Jordan? Shaunna?
<ShaunnaTaylor> yep ready
<AshleyAustin> Alright! Let's do this!
<AshleyAustin> :D
<Jordan> Yeah, sorry. Eeeek I'll be right back! My name is being screamed!
<AshleyAustin> First, Thank you Claudia for doing this! I know things have been hectic!
<ClaudiaGray> First of all, thanks for having me, and second, I deeply apologize for screwing up last week.  Things have been hectic, but it's really no ecuse.
<ClaudiaGray> EXCUSE.  Sorry.  My spelling seems to be off!
<ClaudiaGray> Do you moderate this, Ashley, or do we just plunge in?
<AshleyAustin> I forgive you! I know being a successful author is very hectic and things can get pretty crazy. I speak for all of us when I say that we are grateful that you have volunteered your time
<AshleyAustin> I don't moderate, there usually isn't a problem without it
<Jordan> Yes! Grateful we are!
<ClaudiaGray> OK, then, I am ready to answer questions.
<AshleyAustin> Okay, there is one question i must ask for someone who is not here, but placed her question in advance
<ClaudiaGray> OK --
* sadie ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<Jordan> Oh, yes, I saw that question!
* Elmehdi ( Quit
<AshleyAustin> that is...How do you make dialogue fluent?
<ClaudiaGray> The questioner isn't here, or I'd ask exactly what you mean by "fluent."  I'm guessing this means natural and yet distinctive?
<AshleyAustin> I guess so. I just posted exactly what she wrote
<ClaudiaGray> If that's right, then honestly, that's very tricky.
<ClaudiaGray> The best way I know to do it isn't easily translatable -- it has to do with really trying to listen for the character's voice and see if you can hear them talking.
<ClaudiaGray> You may know the gist of what a character's going to say in a given scene, but how they say it -- that's always a bit of a discovery when you're writing, at least it is for me.
<AshleyAustin> That's a good answer! It makes sense
<AshleyAustin> Claudia, it is for me too
<ClaudiaGray> You have to strike a balance between realism and style -- you want your characters to be more eloquent/witty/to the point than real people usually are, and yet you don't want them to sound artifical.
<ClaudiaGray> artificial.  My spelling is atrocious today.
<Jordan> I got a question! It might be a silly one, but, what is one question that you want someone to ask you?
<ClaudiaGray> Oh, I don't know.  I never know until I get asked it!  A student in Texas asked me why Balthazar was in the book, which was an unexpectedly interesting question to answer.  And I like it anytime somebody asks me about the secondary characters.
<AshleyAustin> Wow! that's cool!
<Jordan> Interesting stuff!
<AshleyAustin> So, for Evernight, did you have a scene, plot, characters, or something else that started the idea for your book?
<ClaudiaGray> Well, the genesis of it was the school itself.
<AshleyAustin> That's cool!
<ClaudiaGray> Of course, NOW there are a jillion books about vampire schools.  There weren't when I started working on this.
<AshleyAustin> haha!!
<ClaudiaGray> I thought it was a great idea, though -- and apparently it was, since plenty of us have been able to write about it successfully.
<AshleyAustin> I bet not. Vampires went from a flame to an entire fire!
<Jordan> True!!!!!!!!
<ClaudiaGray> So once you have Evernight Academy, you ask yourself who comes there and why; the story flowed pretty naturally tfrom that.
<AshleyAustin> that's cool!
<AshleyAustin> Did you ever get stuck?
<ClaudiaGray> What do you mean by stuck?  Writers block, or something else?
<AshleyAustin> yes, writer's block, sorry
<Jordan> You see, I'm an aspiring author. It's like what I want to do :) Do you have advice. I've asked multiple authors, and the answer is different everytime, so I'm curious.
<ClaudiaGray> Honestly -- knock on wood -- I haven't had to deal with this much.  For me, personally, I think it's because I'm an outliner, and I think the main reasons people get stuck are (a) not knowing where to go next or (b) realizing they're written themselves into a corner.
<ClaudiaGray> I try to fight all those macro battles during my outlining weeks/months.
<ClaudiaGray> But outlining doesn't work for everybody, so my solution probably doesn't work for everybody either.
<ClaudiaGray> That said, I certainly hit days where I am less productive or write less well, but I just don't let it stop me from writing.
<ShaunnaTaylor> music is my best friend when i'm writing and it helps writers block a lot
<ClaudiaGray> Even if I run around in circles for a while, I keep active.
<ClaudiaGray> I listen to music a lot too.
<AshleyAustin> Music is definately a big help!
<Jordan> Music and reading, and writing are my answers to.. everything!
* MadisonDeGustXD ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> for anyone who is trying to write a big epic battle or crazy scene "Two steps from hell" is great music to listen to!
<AshleyAustin> HI Madison!
<Jordan> Hi Madison! :D
<MadisonDeGustXD> hi :D
<Jordan> Claudia, do you have any advice for anyone who is an aspiring author? I've asked several authors and get a different answer each time.
<ClaudiaGray> I have three main pieces of advice for writers starting out:
<ClaudiaGray> 1) Read everything you can get your paws on.  You wouldn't believe the number of people who want to write books but only watch movies.
<ClaudiaGray> Movies can teach you about storytelling, but they can't teach you how to put together a book.  Only reading is going to do that for you.
<Jordan> I've got number one down! I read... ALL THE TIME!
<ClaudiaGray> And I don't mean, Read while taking notes and being all dry about it.  Just reading for pleasure, reading widely, will help you internalize lessons about story pacing, characerization and other elements that make a book work for you.
<AshleyAustin> Very valuable stuff!
<ClaudiaGray> 2) Write regularly.  I don't tell people that they must write every day -- I don't, personally -- but you have to write regularly enough that it's a habit in your life.  You never ask yourself where you'll find the time to write; it's a part of who you are and what you do.
<ClaudiaGray> It also means you're making regular progress on your projects, which helps enormously.
<ClaudiaGray> And like the old saying goes -- it takes 10,000 hours to get good at anything.  You may as well start putting in those hours.
<AshleyAustin> I find that even if I'm not writing I am thinking of stories and describing things and situations like I'm writing
<AshleyAustin> *in my mind as if I'm thinking, as if to write
<Jordan> Me too, Ashley! Like I can be walking down the street or something, and I'm writing in my head. if that makes sense. Ya know what I mean?
<ClaudiaGray> I think some of that counts -- just thinking your story through -- but it's not a substitute for trying to get the words down on the page.
<AshleyAustin> Jordan-I do! I do that too!
<ClaudiaGray> Because there is never any book as good as the one that lives inside your head.  Before it's on the page, it's PERFECT.
<ClaudiaGray> You have to try to get it on the page.
<AshleyAustin> Claudia-true! but since I can't always write (in school, work, etc) I find myself writing in my head LOL
<ClaudiaGray> 3) Once you're at the stage where you're starting to think about publication, start educating yourself about the industry.
<Jordan> Me too! Not that it's not an excuse to not write! But still
<AshleyAustin> Jordan-haha
<Jordan> I think three is a big one!!!!!
<ClaudiaGray> A lot of people fall prey to PublishAmerica, fraud agents, etc., because they don't learn about the industry first.
<AshleyAustin> Claudia-that is a great piece of advice!
<ClaudiaGray> You need to know how to behave professionally and how to recognize professional/unprofessional behavior in others.
<ClaudiaGray> You can have a wonderful manuscript, but if you don't know how to get it out there, you're not going to be able to share it the way you'd like to.
<AshleyAustin> Do you have any good sources or directions that you can send aspiring writers to start their journey in discovering this industry?
<Jordan> I never realized all the stuff that publishing a book comes with until recently. My middle school English teahcer is in the process of getting her book published. I never realize how complex it was until she started explaining it
<ClaudiaGray> Well, there are a lot of very solid agent blogs out there -- Kristin Nelson, Nathan Bransford, etc.
<ClaudiaGray> Check out Agent Query as well, a website that will talk about the process of getting an agent.
<AshleyAustin> NATHAN BRANSFORD! I read his blog regularly!
<AshleyAustin> And I am a membery of that too!
<AshleyAustin> :D
<ClaudiaGray> You can start reading Publisher's Marketplace, which is totally about the business end, but that will help you understand.  And just remember the cardinal rule: Money flows toward the author.  Anybody who asks you for more than a token copying fee is suspect.
<ClaudiaGray> Good, you're on the right track!
<AshleyAustin> a token copying fee? please explain
<Jordan> Yes, please do.
<ClaudiaGray> Sometimes even legit agents will charge a "copying fee" if they have to print out/mail multiple hard copies of your book.
<ClaudiaGray> That fee is rarer now that e-submissions are standard, but there are still some legitimate agents who do it.
<AshleyAustin> Awesome! thanks for letting us know! Did you know all of this before you submitted Evernight?
<ClaudiaGray> Heck, no.  I got EXTREMELY lucky.
<MadisonDeGustXD> Do you have any advice on deciding on a idea for your story if your not completely sure on one?
<ClaudiaGray> That said, I did know something about the publishing industry going in.
* rachel ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> Great question!
<AshleyAustin> Claudia, well I'm glad it worked out for you!
<AshleyAustin> Congradulations on all your success!
<rachel> Hi guys ^_^
<ClaudiaGray> I lived in New York City at the time, and in NYC, you naturally get to know some people in publishing.  So I understood how things should work.  But I got an agent remarkably early in my process.  Thanks, Ashley!
<AshleyAustin> hey Rachel!
<ClaudiaGray> OK, Madison -- advice for deciding on an idea?
<Jordan> Very, very good question! And, what made you decide on your story idea?
<ClaudiaGray> Honestly, you just have to figure out which of your ideas will actually support the weight of a novel.
<ClaudiaGray> And I wish there was an easy way to do this, but there isn't.
<MadisonDeGustXD> Ohkay thanks
* sadie ( Ping timeout
<ClaudiaGray> But you have to have more than a premise -- it's easy to come up with a great premise.  But a story takes a premise ("what if there was a school for vampires") and moves it forward in time, adds complications, takes a journey.
<AshleyAustin> Claudia, I envy that you knew people because of NYC! there is so much to learn from there I'm sure. I actually just visited not too long ago
<ClaudiaGray> So basically live with your ideas for a while.  Think out all the complications and permutations.  Ask yourself if it has the ability to carry a story, and if it holds your interest.
<rachel> I visited as well. I got back from the Teen Ink NYC writing program a few days ago ^_^ It was very rewarding.
<MadisonDeGustXD> Thanks :) that kind of gave me some what of an idea
<ClaudiaGray> As for my idea, I knew it was going to work when I realized that, even though Lucas was human and Bianca was a vampire, HE was the "monster" her parents warned her about, and to him, SHE was this sweet, nice, normal girl.
<ClaudiaGray> That dynamic told me I had a lot to work with.
<AshleyAustin> Rachel-that's exciting!
<ClaudiaGray> Did you enjoy NYC?
<AshleyAustin> and Claudia, that is what drew me to your book! it was different and  I LOVED the storyline
<Jordan> I'm going to NYC someday! :) I live in NY never been to NYC.
<Jordan> Just saying :D
<rachel> I did!!! Itw as very fun. I got to meet R.L.Stine and the authors of the nanny diaries and such. =]
<AshleyAustin> jealous!
<rachel> I'm going to be putting pic up on my facebook =]
* CarvingCarver ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
* CarvingCarver ( Quit
<AshleyAustin> can't wait to see them!
<rachel> =D
* CarvingCarver ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> So how long did it take you to write Evernight and the other books in the series in dividually?
<AshleyAustin> *individually?
* MadisonDeGustXD ( Quit
<AshleyAustin> Welcome CarvingCarver!
<ClaudiaGray> The lengths of time varied a lot, because I was under dramatically different deadlines, and also, while I was writing the first three books, I had a day job, while the fourth book was mostly written after I had become a full-time writer.
<Jordan> Yes, welcome :)
<CarvingCarver> Thanks!
<ClaudiaGray> So EVERNIGHT probably took about a year, maybe a little less.
<AshleyAustin> Wow!
<ClaudiaGray> STARGAZER took maybe five months.  This was back when they said my books would come out every six months, so I was in a big hurry.
<AshleyAustin> sounds stressful Claudia!
<ClaudiaGray> HOURGLASS took forever, because by this time I was promoting the books as well, and still working full time.  A year and a half?  Something ridiculous like that.
<AshleyAustin> Yeah, I saw that! What a drastic change!
<Jordan> Holy, wow. Yes, after writing that long, didn't you just.. I don't know.
<ClaudiaGray> AFTERLIFE -- maybe four months, which isn't hard FT.
<AshleyAustin> Wow! You worked really hard on them!
* Madison ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<ClaudiaGray> But of course, I'm not fully counting outlining time, which I consider a part of the writing process -- just a matter of working out macro issues before dealing with the micro issues.
<AshleyAustin> Fair enough :)
<Jordan> I've got another question, it might we weird, but i'm just curious. If your life were a book, what would be the title ? :D
* CarvingCarver ( Ping timeout
<Madison> good question
<ClaudiaGray> I couldn't tell you before I know the end!
<rachel> That a good answer.
<Jordan> Thats a  good answer!
<rachel> *That's
<ClaudiaGray> I have always hoped it would be the same as a quickie biography somebody wrote of Ewan McGregor when he got cast as Obi-Wan Kenobi: FROM JUNKIE TO JEDI.
<AshleyAustin> haha! So far (not knowing the end) would you consider it to be a drama, comedy, horror? etc?
<ClaudiaGray> Not that I've ever been a Jedi, or a junkie, but what an awesome title.
<ClaudiaGray> Ah, that's really not a writing question.
* Madison ( Quit
<Jordan> Oooops :\
<AshleyAustin> true! do you feel closer to any of your characters?
<AshleyAustin> *have an easier time writing them one more than another?
<Jordan> good questions!
<ClaudiaGray> It depends.  Almost any of them have days when they seem to flow naturally, and days when they won't speak at all.
<ClaudiaGray> That said, I have always found Balthazar and Mrs. Bethany easy to work with, so to speak.
* rachel ( Quit
<AshleyAustin> Yeah, that sounds very true lol. It's good to know that it doesn't happen to just me
<ClaudiaGray> Oh, I think that's nearly universal.
<AshleyAustin> So did you know, when you were coming up with the idea for Evernight, that you were going to write three more books?
<ClaudiaGray> I knew that I was coming up with an idea for a series.  I didn't know how many books exactly.
<AshleyAustin> awesome!
<ClaudiaGray> I thought I was being very clever, and came up with a plan for three books and a plan for five books.  So they bought four, naturally.
<Jordan> I must leave! Goodbye!
<AshleyAustin> Nice! that's very cool
<AshleyAustin> by Jordan!
<ClaudiaGray> Bye!
* Jordan ( Quit
<AshleyAustin> but you didn't just write your series. You wrote in a compilation, a couple actually, right?
<ClaudiaGray> What do you mean?  Do you mean the short stories for the anthologies?
<AshleyAustin> yes, sorry, I couldn't think of the correct word
<AshleyAustin> brain cramp!
<ClaudiaGray> I've done a few of those, yes.  As well as some essays for books about "Glee" and "Vampire Diaries" (both coming this fall), and some freelance nonfiction book reviews.
<AshleyAustin> Wow! You've been busy!
<AshleyAustin> How do you find time to balance all of these projects?
<ClaudiaGray> You just try not to overload yourself, though I wasn't great at that this summer.
<ClaudiaGray> And you have to be disciplined.  Writing full-time sinks a lot of people because, if there's no external force making them work every day, they don't do it.  I turn out to be able to make myself do this, somewhat to my own surprise.
<AshleyAustin> haha! Yeah, it seems that sometimes it's easier said than done, but it must be worth it when you have a very successful series publishes :)
<AshleyAustin> *published. I think I've caught whatever it is you have! I can't spell!
<AshleyAustin> *type
* Mark ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> Hi! Welcome Mark!
<ClaudiaGray> spelling craziness is on the loose.
<AshleyAustin> haha!
<Mark> Hey Ashley
<AshleyAustin> How are you?
<AshleyAustin> Claudia has been giving us WONDERFUL advice!
<Mark> So Claudia, how did you come up with the idea for Evernight?
<ClaudiaGray> Thanks for having me!  And feel free to keep asking away.
<AshleyAustin> :D
<ClaudiaGray> I thought up the school first, Mark -- then asked myself who would go there.  And I love forbidden romances, so the idea of a vampire/vampire hunter story flowed into that pretty naturally.
* ShaunnaTaylor ( Quit
<ClaudiaGray> The longer story arcs for the series as a whole took a while.
<AshleyAustin> I bet!
<AshleyAustin> Do you usually stick to your outlines or do you sometimes change them up as you go?
<ClaudiaGray> I stick to them generally.  The main story beats almost never change.
<Mark> As with serials/series, do you sometimes get bored with writing about the same characters repeatedly?
<ClaudiaGray> Individual scenes can vary greatly, though, and I've had to tear out whole book sections that just weren't flowing as well on the page as they did on the outline.
<ClaudiaGray> But I've never wound up with, say, a totally different ending.
<ClaudiaGray> Mark, I'd have to say no!  It's really kind of a gift to write the same characters over again -- I'm very fond of them, and at this point, I know them well, which makes things easier.
<AshleyAustin> Wow! that's impressive
<ClaudiaGray> But right now I am writing a non-vampire book, and I have to say it makes a nice change.  YOu just like to vary it up now and then.
<AshleyAustin> Great question Mark!
<AshleyAustin> Why vampires Claudia? What drew you toward them instead of another creature?
<AshleyAustin> *creatures! LOL
<ClaudiaGray> Oh, I always loved them.  I was always that weird kid in study hall who was reading DRACULA instead of doing her homework.
<Mark> Thanks, returning to the subject of outlines, do you find it easier to write like say a 40 page one, or keep it down to one to five pages?
<ClaudiaGray> I had no idea vampires were about to hit as big as they have done, but thankfully, my agent did!
<ClaudiaGray> Mark, the more I write, the longer my outlines get.
<AshleyAustin> Yeah, definately a good thing!
<ClaudiaGray> The book I'm working on now, FATEFUL, has a 14K word outline.
<ClaudiaGray> And I have a 20K word outline for a book I'll write later this year.
<ClaudiaGray> But I don't think that necessarily works for everyone.  Outlining is a very individual thing.
<AshleyAustin> 14,000?! wow! 20,000?! wow
<ClaudiaGray> Some people, like me, work best with a very definite road map.  Some people do better with more general outlines.  Others may want character-arc outlines, but no plot, or vice-versa.
<ClaudiaGray> And some people work best with no outlines at all.  You just have to figure out what best supports you and your process.
<AshleyAustin> Yeah, I know a lot of people have said that they like to be surprised by what their characters do throughout the story as it develops
<ClaudiaGray> They do their surprising for me during the outline.  Mostly.
<AshleyAustin> It's makes things interesting for sure!
<Mark> Do you find it best writing in the morning, or at night?
<ClaudiaGray> Nighttime, at least in the afternoon, but then, I'm a night owl.  I don't do ANYTHING well before about 11 a.m.
<AshleyAustin> When your agent accepted you manuscript, did you after that, have to make any changes to it before it was published?
<ClaudiaGray> I admire people who get up early to write, but if I did that, I would produce nothing but gibberish.
<AshleyAustin> I tend to write it the morning when I get up, but for now that fits my schedule
<ClaudiaGray> I had to make a LOT of changes.  A LOT.  Even after it was sold, I was shaking it up, and even after I went through one round of publisher edits, I rewrote the entire first chapter.
<ClaudiaGray> I had a lot to learn about story structure.  I would say I'm still learning, definitely.
<AshleyAustin> WOW!
<AshleyAustin> I feel like it definately is a learning process. It's good to know
* Lynsey ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<AshleyAustin> lynsey!!!! You made it!
<Lynsey> Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Lynsey> Hi Ashley!!!
<Mark> Hey Lynsey.
<AshleyAustin> Claudia, this is the girl I emailed you about
<Lynsey> Yes of course ;)  (still have to be up in 6 hours LOL)
<AshleyAustin> *shakes head at Lynsey!
<Lynsey> You emailed Claudia/Amy about ME?
<Lynsey> Little old me?
<Lynsey> LOL
<AshleyAustin> yes I did! LOL
<AshleyAustin> it was nothing but good things :)
<ClaudiaGray> Hi there!  I'm REALLY sorry about last week!
<Lynsey> HUGE FAN, MASSIVE...Love your books and tempted to bow at your feet!
<AshleyAustin> I am very glad you could make it Lynsey :) Truly. I'm glad you go this chance
<Lynsey> Oh don't worry, we all assumed you just forgot! hehe
<Lynsey> Thanks to you Ashley for arranging it!  I love these little chats :)
<ClaudiaGray> You were correct!
<AshleyAustin> You're welcome Lynsey! I'm glad you appreciate them! :D
<ClaudiaGray> I rather stupidly wound up with two big deadlines in the two weeks after I came home from a monthlong trip overseas, which meant I was essentially completely scrambled.
<Lynsey> OMG I have so many questions, I have no idea where to start!!!
<ClaudiaGray> Hit me.
<AshleyAustin> Do you have any questions for Claudia?
<ClaudiaGray> Actually, I am getting more tea, but will brb in a couple seconds --
<AshleyAustin> I guess you do
<AshleyAustin> lol
<Lynsey> OK - release dates for Afterlife, Fateful, Balthazar book, Witchy series etc
<Lynsey> (as in please tell us any you know of)
<AshleyAustin> Mark, it's good to see new face BTW
<Mark> Thanks.
<AshleyAustin> well, names
<AshleyAustin> lol
<Lynsey> Hi Mark *waves*
<Mark> So, you a writer, or aspiring to be one Lynsey?
<Lynsey> Am trying really hard not to go all fangirly on you - I'm a smart, educated woman!
<ClaudiaGray> Back!
<Mark> Oh, okay.
<ClaudiaGray> AFTERLIFE is March of next year.
<Lynsey> Mark - book blogger extraordinaire (HA) and aspiring author :)
<ClaudiaGray> FATEFUL is sometime next fall/winter -- no set date yet.
<ClaudiaGray> BALTHAZAR (this looks to be the title) will be March 2012 -- how I have plans this far ahead I do not understand --
<AshleyAustin> ha!
<ClaudiaGray> And as for the SPELLCASTER series, the date has to be determined.
<Lynsey> WOW, that's organised!
<ClaudiaGray> Honestly, part of it will depend on how FATEFUL sells.
<ClaudiaGray> If my publisher sees they can sell two of my hardcovers in a year, then I would guess SPELLCASTER would come out fall 2012.
<ClaudiaGray> If not -- look for it in 2013.
<AshleyAustin> *nods* I hope for the best for all of them!
<Lynsey> I would buy it tomorrow!  I remember when you had a contest about naming your book, had great fun with a bunch of colleagues trying to come up with a title.  You beat me to it though and had one before I could suggest any haha
<ClaudiaGray> It could get pushed to 2013 by other factors, too, though -- depending on what else my publisher and other publishers are releasing.
<ClaudiaGray> People sent in some hilarious entries for FATEFUL, but of course my agent came up with it in the end.
<Lynsey> I think it's going to make for an interesting read, certainly original ;)
<Lynsey> I heard you say something recently about ARCs?
<ClaudiaGray> I don't have any AFTERLIFE ARCs yet, I'm afraid.  But I have lined up some other authors' ARCs for giveaways, starting next week.
<AshleyAustin> that sounds nice!
<Lynsey> Oh I see! I got all excited because I thought it was YOUR books!
<Lynsey> Where did Mark go?!
<ClaudiaGray> No, those won't be along until the fall.
<AshleyAustin> So keep your eyes out lynsey!
<Lynsey> Still, not too long to wait!
<Lynsey> I know, I just hope I can convince someone to give me one!!  I'm wondering who your UK publisher is...
<ClaudiaGray> Uhhh -- oh, dear. I can't remember.  How embarrassing.
<AshleyAustin> haha!
<Lynsey> haha
<AshleyAustin> that's okay. You have A LOT to remember
<ClaudiaGray> Sorry -- but you have different ones in several different countries, and you start to get confused!
<ClaudiaGray> I know who I'm with in Australia, Italy and all Spanish-speaking nations, but then it gets fuzzier.
<AshleyAustin> So I've noticed! That's crazy!
<AshleyAustin> How does that work, actually?
<Lynsey> It's ok, I can find out
<Lynsey> I'd like to know if we can GET you to the UK in the future, would love to meet you!
<AshleyAustin> :)
<ClaudiaGray> International publishing?
<Lynsey> Also - random I know but Tea Tree Oil is what you need for your colds/Flu.  Put some drops in a bath and soak.  It really works.
<ClaudiaGray> Essentially, you make the decision to sell US rights or world rights.  My agent and I sold world rights to the EVERNIGHT series.
<AshleyAustin> yes international publishing :)
<ClaudiaGray> So HarperCollins sells the rights to publish the book outside the United States.  I get part of that money, I just don't make the sale, the contact or the final call.
<AshleyAustin> sold them? so they aren't yours anymore?
<ClaudiaGray> I own the right to profit from them, but not the right to make decisions about them.
<AshleyAustin> oh
<ClaudiaGray> Which -- you know, it's not that big a thing.  I don't have the wherewithal to call international publishers on my own.
<Lynsey> Funny to think that since it's YOUR words and YOUR story
<AshleyAustin> lynsey-couldn't have said it better myself
<AshleyAustin> Claudia-And I suppose I wouldn't be able to either
<ClaudiaGray> True, but it's also my profit, and in many ways, Harper is better able to make these deals than I am on my own.
<Lynsey> I guess so... how long does it take you to write a book?
<ClaudiaGray> So, they go selling the rights to various publishers.  They let me know when they've sold them (Hungarian!), and I basically just get to know they're coming out.
<ClaudiaGray> I am the absolute last person to be informed of international release dates.
<AshleyAustin> that I agree with (in terms of myself) I would never be able to do that
<Lynsey> It saves you from doing the running around I guess, you just get to profit from the sales :)
<ClaudiaGray> Sometimes the publishers will speak with me (Australia has been very good), but sometimes they just leave me out of the loop.
<AshleyAustin> claudia, wow!
<ClaudiaGray> I see the international covers when i get my author copies.
<Lynsey> I think it's courtesy to speak to you/establish a relationship with you
<AshleyAustin> and they tell you where you will go? for signings and stuff?
<ClaudiaGray> International signings are pretty rare.  I've been lucky enough to do three so far, and I will be touring Australia next month, but you don't do this kind of thing all the time.
<Lynsey> If only they'd bring you here!!
<AshleyAustin> oh, that must be nice since it's probably very hectic
<ClaudiaGray> I would love to come to the UK sometime!  But you really do have to work with what the international publisher wants to do.
<Lynsey> I'll try to bribe them with chocolates or something LOL
<ClaudiaGray> I got invited to Brazil, but at a time when I couldn't go.  I am still smarting over that one.
<AshleyAustin> that's crazy! That would have been cool!
<Lynsey> Hey, I have a question about Afterlife - is it going to be a happy ending? I.e. am I going to need tissues?
<AshleyAustin> I'm sure they will want to invite you again, though
<ClaudiaGray> No spoilers!  But I promise you won't be running into any more cliffhangers.
<ClaudiaGray> And nobody else can die, exactly.
<AshleyAustin> :)
<Lynsey> Your cliffhangers were excellent Amy I have to for pretty much every chapter.  And then a MAJOR one at the end of the book.  I have my own theories on what will happen.  I just wanted to know if I needed tissues which could mean happy OR sad ending...
<Lynsey> I never know whether to call you Claudia or Amy LOL
<ClaudiaGray> Claudia works fine -- it's like my nickname now.
<ClaudiaGray> Yeah, people say they hate cliffhangers, and I know some people truly do, but for the most part, everybody wants to know how they're going to come out.
<Lynsey> Have you seen any cover art for future books yet?
<Lynsey> The cliffhangers for every chapter propelled me on to wanting to read more.  I've had some real late nights with your books!!
<ClaudiaGray> I've seen the cover for AFTERLIFE, which is up on my Facebook.  Nothing beyond that!
<ClaudiaGray> I really like AFTERLIFE, though.
<AshleyAustin> :)
<ClaudiaGray> I am wondering how they're going to handle Balthazar's book.  I assume they will want it to look similar, but how they will do that without a girl on the cover, I'm not sure.
<Lynsey> Oh actually, I think I've seen it because I had you as my Waiting on Wednesday Post a little while back.
<Lynsey> Claudia, do you get thousands of e mails every day?
<ClaudiaGray> Thousands?  No.  Dozens, yes.
<Lynsey> I know you don't always reply and I assume it's because you're way too busy (which I totally understand) but I like to think you read them all :D
<Lynsey> Do you read reviews of your books?
<ClaudiaGray> I read almost all of them.  I got SERIOUSLY behind last year -- so behind I will never catch up -- but I've been doing a lot better with people who have emailed from this summer onward.
<ClaudiaGray> Not much, Lynsey.  Reviews are for readers, not writers.
<ClaudiaGray> I get criticism for my books -- I seek it out -- but I prefer it from people I know, whose judgment I trust, and whose ruthlessness I do not doubt.
<AshleyAustin> It must be hard to keep up with it all (emails and such)
<AshleyAustin> *nods. It's a great point
<Lynsey> Everyone gets criticism, you can't please everyone!  But I love your books so nothing to worry about there!
<ClaudiaGray> It is hard, especially because -- you know, you need to blog.  YOu need to tweet.  You need to communicate with your publisher and your agent and your fellow writers.  And you need to write!
<Mark> So, I've been sitting here reading through some of Evernight, and I'm pretty sure you've been asked this before, but how did you come up with the Evernight Academy? Is it based on a real place?
<Lynsey> What are some of your favourite reads? Do you read YA?
<ClaudiaGray> I try to interact as much as possible with readers via Twitter and FB, but I'm never going to be able to send tons of deeply personal email to readers, not and get anything else done.
<Lynsey> Mark, glad you're still here ;)
<ClaudiaGray> OK, Mark first --
<Lynsey> And we totally understand that Claudia - would rather you wrote awesome stories than reply to e mails :)
<ClaudiaGray> It isn't based on a real place.  Essentially, Evernight is where I WISHED I went to high school.
<ClaudiaGray> My actual high school was this flat, small cinderblock building with fluorescent lights, literally in the middle of some cotton fields.
<AshleyAustin> minus the cotton fields, it sounds like my highschool
<ClaudiaGray> I had known every kid in that school since we were in kindergarten together.  Zero mystery, zero romance.
<ClaudiaGray> I always thought boarding school sounded tremendous.
<Mark> Any new ideas for a series?
<ClaudiaGray> You know, what an escape!  So Evernight sprang out of that.
<Lynsey> me too, I begged my parents to send me to boarding school as a child..haha
<ClaudiaGray> Lynsey next --
* WriteonSistah ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<ClaudiaGray> I am a very avid reader, so it's hard to just pick out one or two things.  But I do read a lot of YA -- just finished FALLEN the other day, and I'm going to catch up on the Alyson Noel series on my flight to Australia.
<ClaudiaGray> And now Mark again!
<Lynsey> One of the things I love about Evernight is that the parents play a real part in it - they're not killed off or bad parents - they're loving parents who play an important role in Bianca's life :)
<ClaudiaGray> I'm contracted so far out -- I mean, potentially through 2015 -- with my YA that it's almost folly to work on more YA series ideas now.
<Lynsey> Oh I loved Fallen and I've ordered Dark Flame!
<ClaudiaGray> That said, I have a new YA series idea that my agent loves, so -- we'll see.
<Lynsey> Ooooooh exciting!  I guess you can't say anything just yet?
<ClaudiaGray> And I have an idea for an urban fantasy series for adults, and that one I expect to turn to sometime this fall or winter.
<ClaudiaGray> No, not yet.  It's still a little baby idea.  It needs time to hatch.
<Lynsey> This is music to my ears ;)
<ClaudiaGray> Lynsey, I'm glad you like her parents.  Adrian and Celia are big favorites of mine.
<AshleyAustin> OH! Welcome writeonSistah!
<Lynsey> It was just something different in a YA book.  All other parents are dead, dysfunctional or just not there..... Bianca's parents were PRESENT and loving
<Lynsey> Hey WriteonSistah!
<AshleyAustin> Claudia, this is great stuff! I'm glad to hear you are so inspired!
<ClaudiaGray> Well, Aprilynne PIke has strong parents in her WINGS series.  but yes, together parents are the exception rather than the rule in YA.
<Mark> Hey WriteonSistah.
<Lynsey> How long does a book take you to write then?
<ClaudiaGray> That said, the SPELLCASTER series is momless.  But in some ways, the story is about the lack of female authority figures, and what it means for each of the main characters -- it has real impact in the world of witchcraft, where your mother is also your mentor/teacher in the arts of magic.
<ClaudiaGray> Depends, Lynsey.  I'm still figuring out my pace now that I am FT>
<Lynsey> Oh that sounds good already...
<Lynsey> What did you do before writing?  Were you a teacher?
<ClaudiaGray> I was a lawyer for a while, then a journalist for another while, and then I worked in law firm marketing, which was as adrenalin-filled as it sounds.
* CarvingCarver ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
* CarvingCarver ( Quit
* CarvingCarver ( has joined #**The Writer's Lounge**
<CarvingCarver> Is it over?
<Lynsey> Hey CarvingCarver!!  No...
<AshleyAustin> Oh! wasi t difficult for you to settle on a good solid synopsis?
<AshleyAustin> is what over carvingcarver? the chat? NO
<ClaudiaGray> What do you mean, Ashley?
<AshleyAustin> for your books. the synopsis, the pitch, did you have a hard time writing it?
<AshleyAustin> or did you not have to write one with your agent?
<Lynsey> Are you ever tempting to bring your past work experience into a novel?  i.e. something law related?
<ClaudiaGray> I had some difficulties writing it, but happily, this is the kind of thing that you get better at with practice.
<ClaudiaGray> It's an entirely different writing skill, but you do learn it over time.
<ClaudiaGray> LYnsey, I'm not really looking to write legal stuff, but never say never.
<Lynsey> Any advice for starting a novel? I have the ideas and I'm obsessed with hooking the reader in the first 250 words!
<ClaudiaGray> The good part of having led a rather crazy-quilt life is that you never know what in your experience is going to end up being useful someday.
<AshleyAustin> SO TRUE!! :D
<Lynsey> I'm going to use Hourglass as a good example of cliffhangers when I get to writing properly! haha
<ClaudiaGray> I would pull out an old journalist trick and tell you to write the lede last.  I mean, you want to structure your story so that there's a lot of adventure/information/impact up front, but don't get stuck on those first 250 words.
<ClaudiaGray> Write your first chapter -- even write your novel -- then come back and attack the beginning.
<ClaudiaGray> Now that you know what you're introducing, you'll be able to introduce it much better.
<Lynsey> I suppose that's the key - just write the damn thing and don't get hung up on the beginning until you're finished!
<AshleyAustin> yeah because then you'll never finish LOL
<Lynsey> Exactly Ashley LOL
<ClaudiaGray> Yes.  And honestly, I always find that sort of thing SO much easier to do at the end.
<Lynsey> Thanks for the tip Claudia, will do it!
<AshleyAustin> This has been so helpful Claudia!
<Lynsey> I'll send you an ARC in several years then Claudia as a thank you for sending me my very first ARC which was Hourglass.  I don't think you really knew how much I appreciated that...
<ClaudiaGray> Aw, yay!
<ClaudiaGray> I would love an ARC when the time comes.
<Lynsey> WOW, YAY!  I just hope I'm as good as the books I read :)
<CarvingCarver> I can't do that, write the beginning first
<AshleyAustin> :)
<CarvingCarver> I find that harder to do
<Lynsey> Yeah, it is hard...I need to turn off my internal editor!
<CarvingCarver> Or write the beginning last, I mean
<CarvingCarver> I lost all of my beginning
<ClaudiaGray> Some people (me included) have to write in order; others don't.  Again, no right or wrong way, just what works for you.
<Lynsey> I see scenes in my head and I think I write that way - in scenes and then link them all together.
<CarvingCarver> I'm anal, I guess :)
<Lynsey> Oh Claudia, will we ever see Evernight as a movie? (please say yes)
<ClaudiaGray> If anybody ever makes me an offer, Lynsey!  But no offers yet.
<AshleyAustin> claudia, did you ever have a friend/person that you could bounce book ideas off of for your books?
<Lynsey> Who would be your dream cast?
<ClaudiaGray> Oh, tons of them.  Happily many of my close friends are writers, and they love to brainstorm with me.
<Lynsey> Good question Ashley - I'm interested to know who Claudia's crit partners are too!
<ClaudiaGray> I don't worry too much about that, Lynsey -- the only actor who looks 100% like a character to me is Polly Walker, who is my idea of Mrs. Bethany.
<AshleyAustin> that's great! I have one and I love her to death. She's not afraid to tell me how she sees things
<Lynsey> oh I can see that (Polly Walker)
<ClaudiaGray> My main crit partners are just friends of mine, plus my agent, whose story instincts I trust.
<Lynsey> Claudia, do you use beta readers or just close friends?
<ClaudiaGray> Mostly close friends, but they're friends I trust to be impartial and even harsh when warranted.
<AshleyAustin> they are great resources then! Great friends! :D
<Lynsey> Which is what you need - good honest feedback.  My friend and I are the same with each other
<ClaudiaGray> The only pubbed authors who have worked with me on stuff are Elizabeth Scott and Naomi Novik, but none of us are primary crit partners for each other.
<AshleyAustin> that's cool
<Lynsey> I like Elizabeth Scott!  Not heard of Naomi
<Lynsey> Claudia, what kind of books do you like to read?  Mainly YA?
<Lynsey> (I know we sort of covered this earlier but I'm wondering if you get sent ARCs and have some favourites)
<ClaudiaGray> Naomi writes high fantasy, just had a new book out, TONGUES OF SERPENTS.
<ClaudiaGray> I read everything, honestly.  I mean, everything I can get my hands on.
<ClaudiaGray> I do read YA, but I don't think I "mainly" read any one genre.  Fiction, nonfiction, historical, mystery, romance, crime -- I will try it.
<Lynsey> Can I recommend Matched by Ally Condie?  LOVED that book so much.  A fellow book blogger let me borrow it when I couldn't get hold of a copy.  I love book bloggers :)
* WriteonSistah ( Quit
<Lynsey> How do you balance reading with writing and also real life?
<Lynsey> I find it difficult!
<ClaudiaGray> I have heard good things about MATCHED!  I hope to check it out.
<ClaudiaGray> You just have to make time for the pleasure activities that really mean something to you.
<ClaudiaGray> It's easy to just watch HGTV for three hours, and there goes the evening, you know?
<ClaudiaGray> But I try to get out to that movie, or to my friend's, or to spend time with a book.
<Lynsey> Substitute HGTV for Twitter and I know what you mean ;)
<ClaudiaGray> And honestly, travel is a great opportunity to get tons of reading done.
<ClaudiaGray> I bought 50 e-books for my trip to Australia, and I seriously am not sure it will be enough!
<Lynsey> Yes that's true.  Did you enjoy Italy? (apart from the cold)
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<AshleyAustin> haha! I find time to spend with my friend, but the conversation usually turns toward my book (by her request)
<Lynsey> LOL Ashley!
<ClaudiaGray> I absolutely adored Italy.  It was a sensational trip.
<ClaudiaGray> OK, we should be about to wrap up -- any final questions?
<Lynsey> That's the one place I have always wanted to go to!
<AshleyAustin> Hi Fia! Welcome!
<Fia> Thank you. (:
<Lynsey> No questions....
<Lynsey> What do you think makes a good story?  or a good love interest?
<Lynsey> Hi Fia :)  Nice name
<ClaudiaGray> A good story is one that takes you on a journey.  Both within the story, in terms of seeing the characters unfold, and beyond it, in terms of taking you out of your day to day life.
<ClaudiaGray> And a good love interest is somebody who is a part of your MC's story -- not a distraction from it nor a substitute for it.
<ClaudiaGray> OK, I need to get going.
<ClaudiaGray> Thanks again for having me back after I flaked last week!
<ClaudiaGray> I really, really enjoyed talking to all of you.
<Lynsey> Thank you soooo much for talking to us Claudia, I'm really glad you made it!!
<ClaudiaGray> I'm glad I got to "meet" you!
<Lynsey> And you!!
<AshleyAustin> thank you!!!!!! :D
<ClaudiaGray> Thanks for setting all this up, Ashley!
<ClaudiaGray> Good night all!
<AshleyAustin> Your welcome! :D
<Fia> Night! (:
<Mark> See you later Claudia.
* ClaudiaGray ( Quit
<Lynsey> Thank you to Ashley for organising it
<AshleyAustin> The rest of you can stay and chat if you'd like
<AshleyAustin> :)
<Lynsey> Oh that was great!
<Fia> She gave good advice. ^^
<AshleyAustin> You are very very welcome guys! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!